Stormwater 101 guide stormwater overview stormwater background stormwater is now the primary cause of water pollution in the united states, resulting in numerous federal, state and local regulations. Purpose, need, and scope the highway runoff manual hrm was developed to direct the planning and design of stormwater management facilities for new and redeveloped washington state highways, rest. Trbs national cooperative highway research program nchrp report 565. Bannerman, wisconsin department of natural resources. Originating organization engineering and regional operations division, environmental and engineering programs. Highway stormwater runoff quality is highly variable in space and time. He has sent her some detailed concerns that she will be sharing with ecology. However, the characterization of these particles in relation to. Stormwater code and associated stormwater manual to be contained in the. The report outlines a fivestep process for the identification, evaluation, and design of solutions for runoff volume reduction based on sitespecific conditions. The big picture of monitoring needs should include status and trends monitoring in receiving waters or alternative assessment of impacts of road and highway runoff on biota.
Evaluation of best management practices for highway runoff. Evaluation of best management practices for highway runoff control examines best management practices for highway runoff control. Design tool for controlling runoff and sediment from. State construction office, engineering and regional operations division. This subgroup was launched at the swg meeting on may 16, 2012 and formed in the fall as a statewide group. The highway runoff manual hrm is an integral part of the obligations contained in the washington state department of transportations wsdot s national pollutant discharge elimination system npdes municipal stormwater permit permit. Tahoe stormwater assessment and management for urban. John stansbury numerous studies conducted on highway stormwater runoff and its control with best management practices bmps indicate that sediment is the major pollutant that affects performance and longevity of bmps. Nonpoint source pollution accounts for 80 percent of the degradation of waters in the united states. The use of vegetated buffers, filter strips, and grass swales as primary water quality.
Managing pollution from highway storm water runoff bruno maestri, michaele. Application of the revised guidance in the may 2006 hrm is optional, but encouraged for. When the wright county highway department in minnesota decided to improve approximately 1 mile of county state aid highway 18 csah 18, one goal was kraemer installed and anchored five fods mats directly onto the gravel road entrance to the us 36 emergency rebuild project. Urban runoff from roads, parking facilities, sidewalks, buildings, rooftops, and other impervious surfaces can transport trash, debris, metals, hydrocarbons, and fecal matter that pollute receiving streams with pathogenic bacteria. Washington state highway runoff water quality research implementation manual. Download a pdf of volume reduction of highway runoff in urban areas. The mission of the department of ecology is to protect, preserve, and enhance washingtons environment. Foreword this lid design manual for national cooperative highway research program nchrp project 252001 is one of three reports of the project evaluation of best management practices and low impact development for highway runoff control that present results of this project, which ran between august 2002 and may 2006. This manual has been prepared to provide washington state department of transportation wsdot bridge design engineers with a guide to the design criteria, analysis methods, and detailing procedures for the preparation of highway bridge and structure construction plans, specifications, and estimates. The manual includes design details for all stormwater facility types recommended for an airport environment, even if those bmps are relatively unchanged from the highway runoff manual or ecology manuals.
The highway runoff manual hrm is an integral part of the obligations contained in the washington state department of transportations wsdots national pollutant discharge elimination system npdes municipal stormwater permit permit. Tahoe stormwater assessment and management for urban and roadway runoff alan c. Documenting stormwater quality on texas highways and adjacent. Department of transportation federal highway administration and the massachusetts department of transportation, conducted a field study from september 2005 through september 2007 to characterize the quality of highway runoff for a wide range of constituents. Wright county highway department in minnesota decided to improve approximately 1 mile of county state aid highway 18 to improve the structural strength of the roadway. Bmp options sheet for highway and road runoff management. Hydraulics highway runoff manual additional guidance. The manual upkeep uses a technical team made up of water quality, stormwater, and erosion control specialists, designers. The highway runoff manual hrm is an integral part of the obligations.
Source water protection practices bulletin managing. This lid design manual for national cooperative highway research program nchrp project 252001 is one of three reports of the project evaluation of best management practices and low impact development for highway runoff control that present results of this project, which ran between august 2002 and may 2006. Wsdot is studying how compostamended vegetated filter strips can reduce and improve stormwater runoff. Quite simply, stormwater is runoff that flows into pipes, ditches, streams, and other receiving water bodies.
Stormwater management requirements for land development. Wsdot and pactrans, for material provided by motley motley inc. Chapter 9 characterization of stormwater runoff from highways. Changes to the hrm and npdes permit major changes to the hrm by chapter require low impact development techniques make the manual more of a design manual. Highway runoff manual washington state department of. Washington state dot wsdot highway runoff manual 9 designates several. Highway runoff manual wsdot pdf free online publishing. The swg directed the subgroup to take a holistic approach to defining monitoring needs related to roads and highways across the full spectrum of urban to rural roads in puget sound. During four rain events, stormwater runoff samples from interstate highway 95 in rhode island were collected and analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons, 14 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pahs and. June 2008 concerns are required to obtain individual npdes construction stormwater permits from. Wsdot media filter drain from june 2008 edition of the wsdot highway. Suggested revisions to wsdot manuals for implementing washington state highway runoff water quality research results. Seattle dpd stormwater best available science city of seattle. To help us meet that goal, please consider the environment before you print or request a copy.
Maintenance is essential to the performance of runoff treatment and flow control bmps. Ecologys january 2008 publication, guidelines for preparing quality assurance project. New hampshire road project makes the environment a priority. The research is a part of the federal hjghway admin. The washington state department of transportation highway runoff manual, as determined by the washington state department of ecology to be equivalent to the 2014 department of ecology stormwater management manual for western washington, may be used to meet the requirements of chapters 30. United states environmental protection agency source water protection practices bulletin managing stormwater runoff to prevent contamination of drinking water stormwater runoff is rainwater or snowmelt that flows over the land. Event mean concentrations emcs, partial event mean concentrations.
For example, at a given location the concentration of total suspended solids tss in highway stormwater runoff can vary from 40 to 1200 mgl within one runoff event, and from an event mean concentration of 8 mgll to an event mean concentrations of 810 mgil between events. This guidelines manual is intended to provide the highway engineer andor agency responsible for preparation of environmental assessments with the necessary procedures to evaluate potential impacts from stormwater runoff from operating highways. The department of ecology reissued the permit, on april 5, 2019. Oct 14, 2019 state construction office, engineering and regional operations division. Wsdot maintenance staff responsible for developing roadside management plans and roadway maintenance practices. However, the wsdot program was included in wsdot s stormwater permit and its ecologyapproved. Langan graduate research assistant the opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the sponsoring agencies. The highway runoff manual hrm provides guidance to direct the planning and design of stormwater management facilities for existing and new washington state highways, rest areas, parkandride lots, ferry terminals, and highway maintenance facilities throughout the state. Quality of stormwater runoff discharged from massachusetts. Determine the required nrcs storm as described in the design distribution, storm distribution subsection below, and select it in the software program. Wsdot intranets highway runoff manual resource webpage. During four rain events, stormwater runoff samples from interstate highway 95 in rhode island were collected and analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons, 14 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pahs and a variety of trace metals.
The headquarters environmental services office stormwater and watersheds program and headquarters hydraulics section are jointly responsible for revision and implementation oversight of the manual. Highway runoff manual hrm, m 3116, effective june 30, 2008. Wsdot bridge design manual lrfd 2012 civil engineering. The subgroup will make specific recommendations as to how wsdots permitrequired monitoring should address a subset of those needs. Wsdots coverage under the 1995 phase i municipal general permit for large and mediumsized areas to include small urban areas throughout the state. In october 2015, the new hampshire department of transportation nhdot widened and reconstructed a 1. This focus sheet provides information about changes in the proposed wsdot 2014 stormwater permit.
Characteristics of highway stormwater runoff request pdf. Modified media filter drain mix with alternate aggregate grading. Engineering and regional operations division, environmental and engineering programs. This allows the manual to be a standalone reference. Regulating water quality impacts of urban and highway stormwater runoff g. Final report and nchrp report 802 appendices c through f explores the research developed for this report to help achieve surface runoff volume reduction of highway runoff in urban areas.
Guidance manual by the national academies of sciences, engineering, and medicine for free. Washington state department of transportation wsdot. These practices are designed to provide a means of avoiding or mitigating the negative impacts of various pollutants that can be carried by rainfall into the groundwater and receiving waters. Ecology also recently determined that artificial turf fields are to be. The results of this phase are presented in a two volume implementation manual and this document listing the suggested modifications to the wsdot design manual, highway hydraulic manual, quality standards for highway maintenance, and maintenance manual to reflect the results of the research and criteria development. Regulating water quality impacts of urban and highway. Public roads and highways stormwater work group for puget sound. Quite simply, stormwater is runoff that flows into.
Headquarters environmental services and hydraulics. Runoff from roads is typically contaminated with pollutants from vehicles. Set the routing and hydrograph time increments in the computer software program to sixminutes or less. Hrm program manager wsdot po box 47329 olympia, wa 985047329 2019 highway runoff manual the highway runoff manual hrm is an integral part of the wsdot npdes municipal stormwater permit permit. Nonpoint sources, on the other hand, include agricultural runoff, mine drainage, urban and highway runoff, and runoff from lawns and natural areas. If left unchecked, nonpoint source pollution can damage the quality of receiving surface. Read volume reduction of highway runoff in urban areas. Route runoff through a screen or filter material to remove litter and treat particulate, and the associated nutrients, toxics and hydrocarbons gross solids removal device gsrd see image, compost tube inside of rock weep. The concentrations were variable throughout the storm events and some of the components responded similarly and others differently depending on the source and form of the.
Stormwater management requirements for land development proposals. Controlling highway runoff pollution in drinking water supply reservoir watersheds shaw l. Wsdot revised the hrm to maintain equivalency with the department of ecologys stormwater management manuals. Effects of sediments on bmps for highway runoff control matthew l. Surface drainage systems, which run parallel to the roadway, are design to convey highway stormwater runoff but not to convey collected stormwater runoff discharging from lands that are external to the highway rightofway, except through riparian right and only in its natural state for both quantity and quality.
Hrm program manager wsdot po box 47329 olympia, wa 985047329 what happens when compliance with the hrm is not economically feasible, physically possible, or environmentally responsible. The highway runoff manual m 3116 has been revised effective may 16, 2006 for projects going to ad after july 1, 2007. April 2008 chapter 5 hydrologic analysis and design 54. Wsdot s coverage under the 1995 phase i municipal general permit for large and mediumsized areas to include small urban areas throughout the state. Stormwater practices research project final report vtrans. Minnesota road expansion leads to better storm water control. The hrm will be periodically updated to clarify its content and reflect changes in the regulatory landscape, advancements in stormwater management, and improvements in design tools. Hydraulics highway runoff manual additional guidance wsdot.
Guidance manual explores practices for the reduction of stormwater volumes in urban highway environments. Trbs national cooperative highway research program nchrp report 802. Section 35 of the 2019 hrm includes two pathways for wsdot address adjustments and deviations to the minimum requirements. Surface drainage systems, which run parallel to the roadway, are design to convey highway stormwater runoff but not to convey collected stormwater runoff discharging from lands that are external to the highway rightofway, except through riparian right and only in. Pollutant loading to stormwater runoff from highways. How well a retrofit improved water quality in a typical urban basin. Stormwater retrofits for treating highway runoff carly greyell king county water and land resources division. Highway runoff manual transportation research board. Introduction chapter 1 page 12 highway runoff manual m 3116. Impact of a highway sweeping program phase ii, madison, wisconsin final report no.
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